7 research outputs found

    Kubernetes eta bere ekosistema: azterketa teoriko eta praktikoa

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    [EUS] Lan honetan Kubernetes eta bere inguruan sortutako plataformen oinarri teorikoak azaltzen dira. Teorian landutakoa praktikan ipintzeko kluster heterogeneo bat Kubernetes bidez kudeatzen da, mikro-zerbitzuetan oinarritutako aplikazio baten sorrera eta mantenua landuz.[ES] En este trabajo se exponen las bases te贸ricas de las plataformas creadas en Kubernetes y su entorno. Para poner en pr谩ctica lo trabajado te贸ricamente, un cl煤ster heterog茅neo se gestiona a trav茅s de Kubernetes, trabajando en la creaci贸n y mantenimiento de una aplicaci贸n basada en micro-servicios

    Kubernetes eta bere ekosistema: azterketa teoriko eta praktikoa

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    [EUS] Lan honetan Kubernetes eta bere inguruan sortutako plataformen oinarri teorikoak azaltzen dira. Teorian landutakoa praktikan ipintzeko kluster heterogeneo bat Kubernetes bidez kudeatzen da, mikro-zerbitzuetan oinarritutako aplikazio baten sorrera eta mantenua landuz.[ES] En este trabajo se exponen las bases te贸ricas de las plataformas creadas en Kubernetes y su entorno. Para poner en pr谩ctica lo trabajado te贸ricamente, un cl煤ster heterog茅neo se gestiona a trav茅s de Kubernetes, trabajando en la creaci贸n y mantenimiento de una aplicaci贸n basada en micro-servicios

    MinervaLab: Jupyter Notebook-etan oinarritutako irakaskuntza-proiektu alternatiboa

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    [EUS] Lan honetan Jupyter Notebook-etan oinarritutako irakaskuntza-proiektu alternatiboa sortu da: MinervaLab. Bertan, aplikazio interaktiboen bidez ikasleen parte-hartzea suspertzea bilatu da. Aplikazioak garatzerako orduan ikasleen iritzia hartu da kontuan: produktuaren azken hartzaileak haiek izango direnez, haien behar eta lan-eremuei egokitzea ezinbestekoa da. Sortutako materiala errepikagarria, identifikagarria eta eremu eta hartzaileei egokitutakoa da, horiek izan baitira lan honen helburu nagusiak.[ES] En este trabajo se ha creado un proyecto de ense帽anza alternativo basado en Jupyter Notebook: MinervaLab. En ella se ha buscado fomentar la participaci贸n del alumnado a trav茅s de aplicaciones interactivas. A la hora de desarrollar las aplicaciones se ha tenido en cuenta la opini贸n de los alumnos: dado que los destinatarios finales del producto ser谩n ellos, es imprescindible adaptarse a sus necesidades y 谩reas de trabajo. El material generado es repetible, identificable y adaptado a las 谩reas y destinatarios, que han sido los principales objetivos de este trabajo

    Mitigaci贸n aut贸noma de intrusiones en redes SDN utilizando agentes inteligentes basados en MuZero

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    El paradigma de las redes definidas por software (SDN) permite desarrollar sistemas que monitorizan y controlan el tr谩fico de una red de forma centralizada, facilitando la implementaci贸n de sistemas basados en el aprendizaje autom谩tico que detectan y mitigan intrusiones. Este trabajo presenta un sistema inteligente capaz de decidir qu茅 contramedidas tomar para mitigar una intrusi贸n en una red definida por software. La interacci贸n entre el intruso y el defensor se plantea como un juego de Markov parcialmente observado y el modelo se entrena mediante el algoritmo de aprendizaje por refuerzo MuZero. Una vez entrenado, el modelo se integra con un controlador SDN para as铆 implementar las contramedidas elegidas por el defensor en la red real. A la hora de evaluar el rendimiento del modelo, se han enfrentado entre ellos a atacantes y defensores con pasos de entrenamiento diferentes y se han registrado las puntuaciones obtenidas por cada uno de ellos, la duraci贸n de las partidas y el ratio de partidas ganadas por cada agente. Los resultados muestran que un defensor suficientemente entrenado es capaz de decidir las contramedidas que minimizan el impacto de la intrusi贸n, aislando al atacante y evitando que comprometa m谩quinas clave de la red

    Towards Autonomous Defense of SDN Networks Using MuZero Based Intelligent Agents

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    The Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm enables the development of systems that centrally monitor and manage network traffic, providing support for the deployment of machine learning-based systems that automatically detect and mitigate network intrusions. This paper presents an intelligent system capable of deciding which countermeasures to take in order to mitigate an intrusion in a software defined network. The interaction between the intruder and the defender is posed as a Markov game and MuZero algorithm is used to train the model through self-play. Once trained, the model is integrated with an SDN controller, so that it is able to apply the countermeasures of the game in a real network. To measure the performance of the model, attackers and defenders with different training steps have been confronted and the scores obtained by each of them, the duration of the games and the ratio of games won have been collected. The results show that the defender is capable of deciding which measures minimize the impact of the intrusion, isolating the attacker and preventing it from compromising key machines in the network.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) through the Project EGIDA-RED DE EXCELENCIA EN TECNOLOGIAS DE SEGURIDAD Y PRIVACIDAD under Grant CER20191012, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Grant PID2019-104966GB-I00, in part by the Basque Business Development Agency (SPRI)-Basque Country Government ELKARTEK Program through the projects TRUSTIND under Grant KK-2020/00054 and 3KIA under Grant KK-2020/00049, and in part by the Basque Country Program of Grants for Research Groups under Grant IT-1244-19

    MinervaLab: Jupyter Notebook-etan oinarritutako irakaskuntza-proiektu alternatiboa

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    Technologies and platforms developed during the last years offer several ways to implement interactivity-based educational projects and to create and publish educational material. The MinervaLab project, which is based in software development tools and workflows, contains interactive material aimed to teach Thermodynamics. Applications, their documentation and theoretical explanations are available for both students and developers (the project can be consulted in https://minervalab.readthedocs.io). An experimental group consisted of students has shown interest on the project and highlighted its usefulness.In the future, MinervaLab will be used to teach phase transitions and van der Waals mechanical equation of state.; Azken urtetan agertutako teknologia eta plataforma berriek ikasleen elkarrekintzan oinarritutako proiektuak garatzeko eta irakaskuntzarako beharrezkoa den materiala sortzeko eta hedatzeko bide ugari eskaintzen dute. MinervaLab proiektuak Jupyter Notebook plataforman eta softwarearen garapenean erabili ohi diren tresna eta lan-fluxuetan oinarritutako Termodinamikaren inguruko material interaktiboa jasotzen du. Garatutako aplikazioak dokumentatuta eta azalpen teorikoz lagunduta aurkezten dira, material guztia ikasle zein garatzaileentzat eskuragarri ipiniz (proiektu guztia https://minervalab.readthedocs.io helbidean kontsulta daiteke). Egindako lanarekiko interes handia azaldu eta eskola emateko erabilgarria dela azpimarratu du ikaslez osatutako talde esperimentalak. Etorkizunean, MinervaLab proiektua fase-trantsizioen eta van der Waals-en egoera-ekuazio mekanikoaren inguruko eskolak emateko erabiliko da

    Experimental and numerical study of the emissivity of rolled aluminum

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    Directional spectral emissivity measurements on a rolled aluminum sheet are reported between 423 and 823 K in vacuum. The results are compared to available literature data and to theoretical predictions, revealing the crucial role of the surface state in explaining the observed scatter of values. In particular, it is argued that the cold-rolling process induces a multi-scale roughness profile that significantly enhances emission at all wavelengths, a phenomenon that can be described using rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA). A small peak in the p-polarized component at oblique angles is formed by the native oxide layer. Aside from the intrinsic value of the emissivity data for the application of thermographic techniques to rolled aluminum materials, the results contained in this work also serve to validate the usefulness of RCWA to simulate the emissivities of randomly rough metal surfaces, highlighting directions of further research.This work was funded by the University of the Basque Country, Spain (GIU19/019) and the Basque Government, Spain (IT-1714-22 and PIBA-2021-1-0022). J. Gabirondo-L贸pez and I. Gonz谩lez de Arrieta also acknowledge financial support from pre- and post-doctoral fellowships by these institutions (University of the Basque Country, Spain: PIF 21/06; Basque Government, Spain : POS-2021-2-0022). Technical support was provided by the SGIker service of UPV/EHU for the XPS analysis. Finally, the authors thank Jordan Edmunds for assistance with the RCWA code